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“Stay home!” “Wear a mask!” “Wash your hands!” Sound familiar?


These warnings and sheltering-in-place have been prevalent these last few months as we’ve all learned how to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. You might be wondering … “Can I renovate safely during Covid-19?” We’re here to tell you, yes!


You don’t have to put off your entire list of home remodeling projects, but you might have to have a little patience and follow some different procedures or guidelines. Let’s take a look at how to renovate safely while Covid-19 is still hanging around.


Schedule a phone interview with your remodeling company


Instead of meeting face-to-face, schedule a phone appointment with your remodeler to discuss details of your intended project. You can talk about your remodeling budget, the scope of work, and some of your ideas.


Set up a virtual tour


Rather than making an on-site visit, your professional remodeler can take a walk through your home virtually via a video call. Just be sure to schedule a time that works for both of you and prep in advance to make sure your technology is working properly. Then, show off the area you want to remodel. You may be asked to take measurements so that rough drawings can be made.


Share information electronically


Once you’ve had your initial consultation, you and your design-build team can exchange pictures, design ideas, and other information via email, text, or other electronic means. You may even be able to get a remodeling estimate based on the measurements and details you’ve provided. Just remember that in this case, the estimate may need to be fine-tuned at a later date with more specific measurements.


Renovate safely by following CDC guidelines


Once you’ve agreed upon an estimate and scope of work, it’s time to get started. You will have contractors working inside your home and there are several things you can do to be prepared:


  • Clean and disinfect areas in which the crew will be working.
  • Provide hand sanitizer at the entrance to the work area.
  • Your remodeling crew will wear masks and/or gloves to ensure everyone’s safety.
  • If your remodeling project is in a high traffic area of your home, plan to be out of the house when the crew is there working.
  • Never allow your remodeling crew to come onsite if someone in your home is sick. Similarly, if any of the crew is not feeling well, they will not work at your home.


Communicate by phone or at a safe distance


If there are questions that come up during the remodeling process, as there usually are, don’t be afraid to speak up. But, do make sure you communicate safely. You may be able to do a video call with your contractor to show something specific. Or, you can talk in person if you both wear masks and agree to converse at a safe distance.


Practice patience!


Due to extra steps, cleaning, and having to follow strict guidelines, your renovation project may take longer than normal. For example, if a crew member gets exposed to someone with Covid-19, there may be a smaller crew working at your home. Or, there could be a delay if the entire crew has to quarantine. Being able to renovate safely during Covid-19 means having a little extra patience and being willing to put up with a few inconveniences, like wearing masks.


The good news is … it IS possible to renovate safely during the Covid-19 pandemic. We all want to get back to business and life as usual. But, until we can, we do what it takes to keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible.  Are you ready to get started on your next remodeling project? Check out our remodeling portfolio online and then give us a call at (949) 861-3400 to set up a design appointment!

Let’s Discuss Your Next Project!

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6 Ways to Renovate Safely During Covid-19 was last modified: July 15th, 2020 by admin