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If you have a home remodel scheduled in the next few weeks or months, congratulations! Creating a new space or updating an old one is an exciting process. It can also be a messy one, though. In fact, living through a home remodel can be challenging if you don’t know what to expect ahead of time.

living through a home remodel

Rather than just waiting to see how it goes, let’s look at some ways you can prepare yourself for your upcoming renovation.

1. Create a project timeline

Whether you’re remodeling just one room, or the entire house, knowing the planned sequence of events can help you be prepared. Get with your design-build team and map out a calendar of what will happen when. Things to find out include:

  • When will the project start?
  • How long will it last?
  • Will certain spaces be off limits during the renovation?

2. Pick the best time that works for you and your contractor

You may never feel 100 percent ready to embark on the remodeling process. However, living through a home remodel is much easier if it can be scheduled for the best possible time.

That means finding a time that works equally well for both you and your remodeling company. For example, if you work from your home office and have a large project with a looming deadline, perhaps it would be best to schedule the remodel’s start date for right after your project is due.

Or, if your home renovation is based on a special event, such as a nursery for the new baby, or a whole house remodel for an at-home wedding, keep those deadlines in mind. Scheduling your renovation project too close to the due date can add unnecessary stress.

3. Expect a mess (or at least a little dust!)

Your contractor will do as much as possible to minimize the disturbance to the rest of the home during your remodel. However, it’s impossible to not have any mess at all. Plan accordingly for this and you’ll be less stressed about it. Here are some options:

  • Move furniture and other belongings out of the affected area. This will protect them but also give the crew more room to work without potentially damaging your things.
  • Box up knick-knacks, books, and other small items to keep them organized and out of the way during remodeling.
  • Cover unmovable objects with plastic or drop cloths to protect them.
  • If possible, plan to use another entrance to get in and out of your home during the remodel. If you’re not constantly tracking through the work area to get to your living space, you won’t be carrying the mess with you.

4. Plan for unusable space

Living through a home remodel is much easier if you know in advance what you will and won’t be able to access once the project starts. If you’re planning a kitchen remodel, for example, you’ll need to make arrangements for food prep, food storage, and dining elsewhere inside or outside your home.

5. Have a clearly defined budget

There are often unexpected things that come up during a remodel. Added expense related to these items can be planned for in advance if you budget properly. Open communication with your contractor before and during remodeling will help you know what to expect and enable you to better stick to your remodeling budget.

Living through a remodel can be easy

The bottom line is that the more you know in advance, the better equipped you will be to deal with any issues that arise during the remodeling process. And, some “problems”, like dust or not being able to use your kitchen, become non-issues when you’ve properly planned ahead.

Whether you are considering a home remodel now, or sometime in the near future, we want to help make your dreams a reality. Check out our remodeling portfolio to see the quality of our work, or give us a call today at (949) 861-3400 to get started!

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5 Helpful Tips For Living Through a Home Remodel was last modified: March 5th, 2023 by admin