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For many, a new year means a fresh start… but it can be difficult to practice what you preach with last year’s clutter laying around. If you are ready for a small change to your home that will make a big impact, consider remodeling your closets. Whether you have a lot of space to work with, or what most would consider a cubby, optimizing your storage space will lead to a cleaner and happy home. Check out these closet design ideas that will transform your closet and clear clutter.

Closet Designs for an Organized 2015 - Sea Pointe Design & RemodelImage: ©lulu / Dollar Photo Club

Tiered racks
If the width of your closet is limiting, consider adding a second tier to hanging racks. By moving the top rack high enough to add a second one below it, you will have room for double the garments without having to knock down any walls. You can also reserve a bottom rack for hanging pants. Instead of one long rod, install multiple shorter rods that pants can be folded over and hung from. These will cut down on hangers needed, and reduce creases caused by keeping pants folded.

Instead of purchasing large and bulky dressers, opt for installing custom shelves into your closet. Open shelving helps you keep your folded clothes organized since you can see everything at once—no need for rummaging and refolding. If you’re a big shoe fanatic, shoe shelves that display each pair will be like shopping your own private store every morning!

Take it one step further by allowing the shelves to be interchangeable, so that you can place them higher or lower depending on your organization needs. Place shelves with out-of-season clothes higher, leaving more room for what you’ll be wearing more regularly.

Closet Designs for an Organized 2015 - Sea Pointe Design & RemodelImage: ©zhu difeng / Dollar Photo Club

Small cabinets can come in handy for items you want tucked out of sight, like undergarments or valuables. These can be tricky to implement, since pull out doors will have to be measured and installed precisely. Sea Pointe Design & Remodel can help install built-in custom cabinets that look seamless with the rest of your closet and fit well.

New Doors
Many standard homes come with closets that have sliding doors. While these help preserve floor space, they can also lead to the annoying dilemma of the closet “blind spot”… the section in the middle that seems to stay tucked away, no matter which door you slide. You’re left keeping your closet under-stocked so that you can push all of the clothes to one side or the other. Do yourself a favor and install folding or swing out closet doors. The small sacrifice in floor space (to ensure a clear doorway opening) will be worth being able to take advantage of your entire closet. Contemporary designs have even removed closet doors altogether, letting clothes display as part of the room’s design. If you trust yourself to keep everything in its place, this would be a great way to show off your custom closets.

Remodeling your closets will help you get a head start on spring cleaning, not to mention add a small bump in value to a home. Let Sea Pointe Design & Remodel take care of your wardrobe’s home; talk to one of our design specialists today!



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Closet Designs for an Organized 2015 was last modified: October 25th, 2022 by admin