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1) THE LITTLE THINGS START TO GO WRONG – All bathrooms are prone to everyday wear & tear, but some problems require more than a simple repair job. Depending on the cost of serious repairs, it may make sense to spend a little more and create a brand new bathroom.

2) YOU’RE STUCK IN A RETRO RUT – While it’s true that yesterday’s trends often resurface, some are best left in the past. If your bathroom sends you into a time warp, it’s due for an update.

3) YOU’RE THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME – Making relatively small changes is a smart way to raise your home’s value. You can appreciate your home’s worth if you have an older house and update an obsolete bathroom.

4) YOUR FAMILY’S NEEDS SHIFT – When your family situation changes, so does it’s needs. People often remodel or add a second bathroom when they have children on the way. Also, as aging adults find their mobility changing, they may be more comfortable in rooms designed for their needs.

5) YOUR BATHROOM ISN’T “YOU” – Standard-issue faucets and fixtures may be functional, but there’s nothing distinctive about them. If these details don’t fit your personal taste, it doesn’t take much to find a look that goes with your style. Whether you prefer classic lines or sleek modern curves, a few small changes can make a big impact.

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5 SIGNS – IT’S TIME TO REMODEL YOUR BATH was last modified: December 28th, 2019 by admin